Monday, October 14, 2019

Trump Papers | Winter 2019

There are now over 110 Trump Papers, each 37" x 25", acrylic on paper (some with collage elements).
Here are those created in winter of 2019 -2020.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contextual: Visualizing Language | Cabrillo Gallery

"In this exhibition, visual artists synthesize art and language, each combining transcription of text with visual vocabularies. The medium and message vary from one artist to the next, from fictional fabrications to highly charged political and cultural commentary."  Beverly Rayner

Sixteen of my Trump Papers, two small collages, and one work on canvas are included in the show.

100 People, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 34" 2018

Curator Beverly Rayner has included seven artists in the show: Joe Amrhein, Squeak Carnwath, Kevin B. Chen, Lalla Essaydi, Sarah Swett, Annie Vought and myself. 

Bad Joke, collage on cardboard, 10" x 6", 2018

Honest Mistake, collage on cardboard, 10" x 6", 2018

At the opening I gave a talk about the use of words in my work, especially the work featuring words from Donald Trump, his friends and enemies.

Cabrillo Gallery; Cabrillo College; Aptos, California; 30 September to 05 October 2019.