Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Trump Jan-July 2024

 I hadn't intended to create any more Trump Papers but....


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Boxed Babies

01 Boxed Baby Choco-----box is 10" x 4" x 2.5"


02 Boxed Baby Limen, box is 9" x4.825" x 3"

03 Boxed Baby Blug, box is 9" x 4.825" x 3"

04 Boxed Baby Pork, box is 10.25" x 4.25" x 2.5"

05 Boxed Baby Rosi, box is 9.325" x 4.25" x 2.5"

06 Boxed Baby Stardust, box is 10.75" x 5" x 3.825"

07 Boxed Baby Bluboy, box is 10" x 4.325" x 2.5"

08 Boxed Baby Branch, box is 12.25" x 4.5" x 3"

09 boxed Baby Acavia, box is 9.825" x 4" x 3.5"

10 Crackles, with box box: 9” x 4” x 2”


11 Graby, with box: 9.5” x 3/.75” x 2”


12 Stucky: with box 9.5" x 4.25" x 3"