Monday, December 30, 2013

Kenneth Baker's Top Ten shows of 2013

It's difficult to express the pleasure that Jack Fischer and I felt when we opened the pages of the San Francisco Chronicle and read art critic Kenneth Baker's "Looking Back at art in 2013." Along with shows of Richard Diebenkorn, Christian Marclay and Mark diSuvero, he included our September exhibition:

"Ward Schumaker: The Years of Pretty: Selections from Ten Years of Work––The Jack Fischer Gallery's inaugural show at its Potrero Flats location reintroduced a San Franciscan in his 70s whose work would earn him world recognition, were there any justice."

What can I say?  Except thank you!

Kenneth Baker Looking Back at art in 2013



  1. Oh, that's really terrific! By the way--you know what I have sitting right here next to my bed? "All My Best Friends are Animals" address book! & I still love it.

  2. Dear Lotus Green,
    That book paid for a lot of my son's schooling!
    I love that you still have it.
    Best regards, Ward
